Cydia™ is Debian APT on the iPhone. Think AppStore, but with packages you could never get direct through Apple. Created by Jay Freeman (saurik), Cydia™ is a feature-rich AppStore competitor. Full themes to completely make over your iPhone's & iPod Touch look are available through WinterBoard. Video recording is possible using Cycorder or Video Recorder for 3G. You can share your iPhone's 3G connection with your laptop using PdaNet, or get free music, videos, and torrents using dTunes. Take complete control of your iPhone with SBSettings.

cydiaYou'll find Cydia™ right there on your iPhone after you jailbreak your iPhone. Using it is easy - browse the categories, check what's new, or peruse the featured section to see the current popular apps. There's hundreds (getting into the thousands) of themes to choose from. Cydia™ is easily searchable via the iPhone - but if you're wanting to browse what's available from your browser.

OR copy deb file into DIR var\root\mobile\media\Cydia\AutoInstall, and reboot iPhone/iPod Touch

You can download Cydia (deb, v1.1.23) here

Results in the category 小白源 - 基础依赖

Rating: 1.3/5 (9 votes cast)

Section: 小白源 - 基础依赖
Name: CCSettings for iOS 8/9
Version: 0.0.7-8
Updated: 2025-01-18
Price: free
Tags: role::enduser
Description: 控制中心插件
Dependence: firmware (>= 8.0) mobilesubstrate (>= 0.9.5000) preferenceloader (>= 2.2.2)
Conflicts: com.plipala.ccsettings
Size: 1101074
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 1.4/5 (11 votes cast)

Section: 小白源 - 基础依赖
Name: Appsync for iOS6~iOS9
Version: 5.3-1
Updated: 2025-01-18
Price: free
Description: Appsync是允许您安装AppStore以外的应用到设备的补丁
Dependence: firmware (>= 5.0) mobilesubstrate (>= 0.9.5100)
Conflicts: us.hackulo.appsync50 us.hackulo.appsync50plus com.hackyouriphone.appsync7 com.teiron.ppsync appsync50plus2.25pp com.linusyang.appsync com.sull.appsyncunified com.sull.appsyncunifiedbeta com.xsellize.appsync50 com.xsellize.appsync50plus appsync50plus.178 appsync50plus2.178 ppsync.178
Size: 34972
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 1.8/5 (9 votes cast)

Section: 小白源 - 基础依赖
Name: AFC2(iOS8.1.3~iOS9.0.2)
Version: 0.1
Updated: 2025-01-18
Price: free
Tags: purpose::daemon, role::enduser
Description: 解决越狱后PC端手机管理工具无法查看系统文件和APP文件共享问题
Dependence: firmware (<< 8.0) | mobilesubstrate
Conflicts: us.scw.afctwoadd net.angelxwind.afc2ios70 afc2.25pp afc2.25pp7 afc2.91 app.taig.afc2 com.saurik.afc2d com.saurik.afc2d.25pp
Size: 18292
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 1.4/5 (9 votes cast)

Section: 小白源 - 基础依赖
Name: AFC2(iOS5~iOS8.1.2)(1.2)
Version: 1.2
Updated: 2025-01-18
Price: free
Tags: role::enduser
Description: 允许通过USB访问设备文件系统
Dependence: firmware (>= 8.0)
Size: 23788
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 1.6/5 (10 votes cast)

Section: 小白源 - 基础依赖
Name: 小白助手源图标
Version: 2.6
Updated: 2025-01-18
Price: free
Description: 源图标是用来显示小白助手每个分类下左侧logo的,让您浏览软件时更加舒服友好,搜索插件时快速辨别来源。
Size: 44034
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb