Cydia™ is Debian APT on the iPhone. Think AppStore, but with packages you could never get direct through Apple. Created by Jay Freeman (saurik), Cydia™ is a feature-rich AppStore competitor. Full themes to completely make over your iPhone's & iPod Touch look are available through WinterBoard. Video recording is possible using Cycorder or Video Recorder for 3G. You can share your iPhone's 3G connection with your laptop using PdaNet, or get free music, videos, and torrents using dTunes. Take complete control of your iPhone with SBSettings.

cydiaYou'll find Cydia™ right there on your iPhone after you jailbreak your iPhone. Using it is easy - browse the categories, check what's new, or peruse the featured section to see the current popular apps. There's hundreds (getting into the thousands) of themes to choose from. Cydia™ is easily searchable via the iPhone - but if you're wanting to browse what's available from your browser.

OR copy deb file into DIR var\root\mobile\media\Cydia\AutoInstall, and reboot iPhone/iPod Touch

You can download Cydia (deb, v1.1.23) here

Results in the category System

Rating: 2.2/5 (78 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Action Menu
Version: 1.4.1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Adds actions to the action menu
Dependence: mobilesubstrate (>= 0.9.5000) firmware (>= 3) preferenceloader (>= 2.2.2) cydia (>= 1.1.1) com.rpetrich.rocketbootstrap (>= 1.0.3) | firmware (<< 7.0)
Conflicts: actionmenu-pluspack (<< 1.2)
Size: 293946
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.2/5 (61 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Action Menu Plus Pack
Version: 1.3.3
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: $
Tags: cydia::commercial
Description: Additional actions for Action Menu!
Dependence: actionmenu (>= 1.3.3) mobilesubstrate com.rpetrich.rocketbootstrap (>= 1.0.2) | firmware (<< 8.0)
Size: 216192
View in: Cydia
Download: Buy app

Rating: 2.4/5 (68 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: AppList
Version: 1.5.16~beta1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Allow extensions to read the list of installed apps
Dependence: mobilesubstrate (>= 0.9.5000) firmware (>= 3.0) com.rpetrich.rocketbootstrap (>= 1.0.7~beta3) | firmware (<< 7.0)
Conflicts: com.a3tweaks.polus (<< 2.0.7)
Size: 105762
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.7/5 (54 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Landscape TV Out
Version: 1.80-1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: View apps on a TV, fullscreen with fast framerate on your TV using a TV out cable. Includes touch support.
Dependence: mobilesubstrate preferenceloader com.ashman.wvc
Size: 20374
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.8/5 (54 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Backgrounder
Version: 1:1.1.0-1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Enable and manage backgrounding
Dependence: mobilesubstrate libactivator (>= 1.3.1) firmware (>= 3.0) firmware (<< 4.0) | libstatusbar
Size: 130948
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.6/5 (66 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Bootlace
Version: 2.1.6
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: iDroid & OpeniBoot installation/config tool
Dependence: firmware(>= 3.1) curl (>= 7.19.4-6)
Size: 390090
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.6/5 (58 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: BigBoss Recommended Tools
Version: 1.3.2-2
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Tags: role::hacker
Description: Combined list of hacker tools. Cydia no longer comes preinstalled with most useful command line apps. This package installs most the missing ones in one swoop. There is no real package provided here. It is only a set of depends on other various tools so that your command line can become useful again.
Dependence: syslogcmdline adv-cmds apt basic-cmds bootstrap-cmds bzip2 class-dump coreutils developer-cmds diskdev-cmds file-cmds gawk gdb git gzip iokittools less make nano network-cmds ldid firmware (>= 10.0) | openssh rsync shell-cmds system-cmds com.ericasadun.utilities top uikittools findutils inetutils diffutils lsof subversion vim xar tar patch unrar unzip wget whois xml2 zip p7zip
Size: 2598
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.6/5 (45 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: BossPaper
Version: 1.2.1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Customizable Wallpaper app. similar to Winterboard. Show your wallpapers in a slideshow.
Dependence: mobilesubstrate
Size: 585528
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.6/5 (66 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: SandCastle 2
Version: 2.2-1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Tags: role::hacker, purpose::extension
Description: Access nearly every directory from within a sandboxed application
Dependence: mobilesubstrate
Size: 6576
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.2/5 (64 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Flipswitch
Version: 1.0.16~rc2
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Tags: purpose::extension, role::developer
Description: Centralized toggle system for iOS
Dependence: mobilesubstrate (>= 0.9.5001) com.rpetrich.rocketbootstrap (>= 1.0.9) | firmware (<< 7.0)
Conflicts: com.rpetrich.donotdisturbtoggle (<= 1.0-1) com.jerryen.rotationlockflipswitch
Size: 300670
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.3/5 (51 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Data Blocker
Version: 1.1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Disable GPRS/EDGE/3G internet connection on your iPhone the same way SBSettings Data Toggle do, but stays 'disabled' when you reboot your iPhone.
Size: 1618
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.5/5 (46 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: BossPrefs
Version: 3.0.4
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Services / Settings app replacement. Combines all settings apps with a dock launcher to clean up your springboard. Hide icons, respring, reboot. Create your own toggles.
Dependence: libhide network-cmds sbsettingstoggles (>=2.99-2) coreutils
Size: 908976
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.5/5 (48 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: BossTool
Version: 2.0
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Move hard disk space around to allow for more space for app installs.
Dependence: firmware (<< 3.0)
Size: 23418
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.5/5 (49 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Categories
Version: 2.99.9-2
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Move your springboard icons into folders!
Dependence: libhide (>= 2.0.6)
Size: 2083154
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.3/5 (63 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: DisplayOut
Version: 1.6.12
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: $
Tags: cydia::commercial, purpose::extension
Description: Mirror screen on TVs and monitors. Includes an updated version of ProTapper. Allows output via HDMI, VGA, component, and composite cables to external displays. Inspired by ashikase's TVOut.
Dependence: mobilesubstrate (>= 0.9.5001) preferenceloader (>= 2.2.2) firmware (>= 3.2) cydia (>= 1.1.1) com.rpetrich.rocketbootstrap (>= 1.0.1) | firmware (<< 7.0)
Size: 143788
View in: Cydia
Download: Buy app

Rating: 2.5/5 (67 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Display Recorder
Version: 1.3.22~beta1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: $
Tags: cydia::commercial
Description: Record the display in real-time, send to camera roll, web interface, ProTapper-style touch circles and Activator integration
Dependence: mobilesubstrate (>= 0.9.5000) preferenceloader (>= 2.2.2) libactivator (>= 1.9.9) gdata-objectivec-client | firmware (>= 7.0) firmware (>= 3) openssl firmware (<< 9.9) com.rpetrich.rocketbootstrap (>= 1.0.1) | firmware (<< 7.0) com.a3tweaks.flipswitch (>= 1.0.5)
Size: 914570
View in: Cydia
Download: Buy app

Rating: 2.1/5 (53 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Exchange Camera Enabler
Version: 1.0
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Disables Microsoft Exchange Server camera restrictions
Dependence: mobilesubstrate preferenceloader (>= 1.2) openssl
Size: 13436
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.1/5 (54 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: OverBoard
Version: 1.2.4
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: $
Tags: cydia::commercial
Description: Show an overview of SpringBoard's pages
Dependence: mobilesubstrate (>= 0.9.3228) preferenceloader (>= 2.0.2) libactivator (>= 1.4.5) openssl (>= 0.9.8) libhide (>= 2.0.8) firmware (>= 3.0) firmware (<< 4.2)
Conflicts: overboard com.steventroughtonsmith.orbit
Size: 406842
View in: Cydia
Download: Buy app

Rating: 2.6/5 (55 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Spire
Version: 1.0.1-1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Tags: purpose::extension
Description: A simple Siri installer.
Dependence: mobilesubstrate preferenceloader
Size: 728462
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.6/5 (49 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: CDevReporter
Version: 1.4.0
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Tags: purpose::extension, purpose::daemon
Description: sends crash reports to Chronic Dev
Dependence: firmware(>= 4.0) preferenceloader coreutils com.ericasadun.utilities net.tootallnate.node gsc.armv7
Size: 860130
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.4/5 (47 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: ProSwitcher
Version: 1.1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Palm Pre-styled application switcher
Dependence: mobilesubstrate preferenceloader (>= 1.1) libactivator (>= 1.1.0) backgrounder firmware(<< 4.0)
Size: 64242
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.4/5 (50 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: LogoMe
Version: 2.2-1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Change the boot logo on the iPhone without having to rejailbreak or restore.
Dependence: curl (>= 7.17.1-4)
Size: 330548
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.0/5 (52 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Open
Version: 1.1.1-1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Tags: purpose::console, role::hacker
Description: launch apps from the command-line
Size: 3726
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.5/5 (55 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: CopyPasteFix
Version: 0.1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Fixes the Apple copy/paste bug on AppStore and VPN dialogs.
Dependence: mobilesubstrate (>=0.9-0)
Size: 2888
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.4/5 (48 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: SpotSMS
Version: 0.4-1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Native SpotLight extension to search SMS and MMS
Dependence: mobilesubstrate (>=0.9-0) preferenceloader (>=1.1) com.floop.copypastefix (>=0.1)
Size: 23438
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.6/5 (48 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: FontSwap
Version: 2.1.1-1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Swap your system fonts!
Dependence: grep com.gauravgiri.fontswapstarter
Size: 1046552
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.5/5 (53 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: FontSwap Starter
Version: 2.0
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Tags: role::developer, purpose::library
Description: Font Starter Pack for Font Swap app.
Size: 6769642
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.3/5 (44 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: gTxtEdit
Version: 2.0
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: A 2.0 Text Editor
Size: 20642
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.3/5 (48 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: PowerTool
Version: 2.0
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Reboot, Respring your phone with ease.
Size: 41098
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.5/5 (47 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: WifiToggle
Version: 1.0
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: A fast WifiToggle for the springboard.
Size: 15536
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.6/5 (55 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Auto ShutDown
Version: 1.0-2
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: $
Tags: cydia::commercial, purpose::extension
Description: Shutdown with timer you can configure. Easy to start and stop.
Dependence: mobilesubstrate preferenceloader
Size: 34866
View in: Cydia
Download: Buy app

Rating: 2.3/5 (49 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: CToggle
Version: 1.0
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Simple toggle switch that can disable and enable auto correction.
Size: 15972
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.3/5 (49 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Lockdown
Version: 6.5-1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Password protect your applications with Lockdown.
Dependence: mobilesubstrate
Size: 235548
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.5/5 (50 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: swapBT
Version: 2.0
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: One button bluetooth toggle.
Size: 86822
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.6/5 (50 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Extended Preferences
Version: 1.0
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Offers extended additions to the preferences app. Winterboard App so requires winterboard. You enable the new preferences inside winterboard.
Dependence: winterboard
Size: 10712
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.8/5 (54 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: SysInfoPlus
Version: 1.0.2
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: SysInfoPlus shows various information and system status such as system information, process status, memory status, disk space, network routing tables and so on.
Size: 1331192
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.2/5 (49 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: NemusSync
Version: 0.6.6
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Sync Google Calendar with iPhone Calendar
Size: 298868
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.2/5 (50 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Locktopus
Version: 1.1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: $
Tags: cydia::commercial, purpose::extension
Description: Password-protect individual apps DIRECTLY from SpringBoard! No need to open another app and respring.
Dependence: mobilesubstrate preferenceloader
Size: 48418
View in: Cydia
Download: Buy app

Rating: 2.6/5 (50 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: MultiExchange
Version: 0.1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: $
Tags: cydia::commercial
Description: Allows you to add multiple exchange accounts to your device.
Dependence: mobilesubstrate
Size: 4430
View in: Cydia
Download: Buy app

Rating: 2.3/5 (49 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: PushSoundBlock
Version: 0.1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Mute the 'sound' push notifications. Additional control via SBSettings toggle
Dependence: mobilesubstrate
Size: 4670
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.3/5 (46 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: QuickLauncher
Version: 1.1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: $
Tags: cydia::commercial
Description: QuickLauncher is a revolutionary launcher for your device, it automatically learns what are your most used apps, and shows you a SpringBoard-like view of them, accessible from anywhere via a selected shortcut.
Dependence: mobilesubstrate com.zimm.libdisplaystack libactivator openssl
Size: 19944
View in: Cydia
Download: Buy app

Rating: 2.7/5 (46 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: SBSchedule
Version: 1.2.4a
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: $
Tags: cydia::commercial
Description: Allows you to create and schedule SBSettings toggle profile groups. Switch on and off phone, Edge, 3G, Airplane Mode, iPod music player, WiFi, SSH, BlueTooth, Push, Ringer and more...
Dependence: mobilesubstrate sbsettings libactivator (>= 1.1.0) openssl
Size: 58542
View in: Cydia
Download: Buy app

Rating: 2.8/5 (51 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: SnapTap
Version: 1.1.4
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: $
Tags: cydia::commercial
Description: Allows you to take pictures and videos by using the volume controls and headset button instead of finding the small camera touch button at the buttom.
Dependence: mobilesubstrate preferenceloader openssl
Size: 24160
View in: Cydia
Download: Buy app

Rating: 2.6/5 (46 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: SpringLocker
Version: 0.1-2
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: SpringLocker allows you to prevent accidental icon reordering on your SpringBoard. Toggle ON/OFF via Settings or SBSettings switch.
Dependence: mobilesubstrate preferenceloader
Size: 8934
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.2/5 (50 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: SpringSorter
Version: 1.0.2
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: $
Tags: cydia::commercial
Description: SpringSorter sorts your iPhone / iPod Touch SpringBoard icon layout by putting the most used applications on top.
Dependence: mobilesubstrate preferenceloader openssl
Size: 26574
View in: Cydia
Download: Buy app

Rating: 2.5/5 (45 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Fuzzyband
Version: 4.1-1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: A safer way to upgrade or downgrade your 3G baseband.
Dependence: sed grep coreutils bash shell-cmds
Size: 4095376
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.4/5 (47 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: 3G Fuzzyband Downgrader
Version: 2.0
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Baseband 2.28 downgrade. A Safer way to downgrade your 3g baseband.
Dependence: sed grep coreutils bash
Size: 3626090
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.5/5 (50 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: BluSelect
Version: 0.9.1-2
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: $
Tags: cydia::commercial, purpose::extension
Description: Rapid Bluetooth configuration from anywhere!
Dependence: mobilesubstrate preferenceloader firmware (>= 3.0)
Size: 24336
View in: Cydia
Download: Buy app

Rating: 2.6/5 (49 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: BluSelect 5.0+
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: $
Tags: cydia::commercial, purpose::extension
Description: Rapid Bluetooth configuration from anywhere!
Dependence: mobilesubstrate libactivator firmware (>= 5.0)
Size: 27780
View in: Cydia
Download: Buy app

Rating: 2.4/5 (49 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Bolt
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Tags: purpose::extension
Description: Statusbar battery icon replacement.
Dependence: mobilesubstrate preferenceloader
Size: 19252
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.6/5 (61 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Dimmer
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: $
Tags: cydia::commercial, purpose::extension
Description: A darker screen for better nighttime viewing.
Dependence: mobilesubstrate firmware (>= 4.0) preferenceloader
Size: 52556
View in: Cydia
Download: Buy app

Rating: 2.5/5 (50 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Parallax
Version: 1.6.1-1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: $
Tags: cydia::commercial, purpose::extension
Description: Scrolling wallpaper behind your icons.
Dependence: mobilesubstrate preferenceloader firmware (>= 4.0)
Size: 28698
View in: Cydia
Download: Buy app

Rating: 2.1/5 (49 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Resupported
Version: 1.2.0-1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: $
Tags: cydia::commercial, purpose::extension
Description: Video out with unsupported cords.
Dependence: mobilesubstrate firmware (>= 3.0)
Size: 16546
View in: Cydia
Download: Buy app

Rating: 2.5/5 (45 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Resupported 4.0+
Version: 1.8
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: $
Tags: cydia::commercial, purpose::extension
Description: Video out with unsupported cords.
Dependence: mobilesubstrate preferenceloader firmware (>= 4.0) cy+model.iphone (<= 4.1) | cy+model.ipod (<= 4.1) | cy+model.ipad (<= 2.4) | cy+model.ipad (= 3.1) | cy+model.ipad (= 3.2) | cy+model.ipad (= 3.3)
Size: 29642
View in: Cydia
Download: Buy app

Rating: 2.7/5 (44 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: YFiSelect
Version: 0.9-1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: $
Tags: cydia::commercial, purpose::extension
Description: Quickly change WiFi networks from anywhere.
Dependence: mobilesubstrate preferenceloader firmware (>= 3.0)
Size: 15932
View in: Cydia
Download: Buy app

Rating: 2.5/5 (46 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: YFiSelect4
Version: 1.0-1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: $
Tags: cydia::commercial, purpose::extension
Description: Quickly change WiFi networks from anywhere.
Dependence: mobilesubstrate preferenceloader firmware (>= 4.0)
Size: 22210
View in: Cydia
Download: Buy app

Rating: 2.5/5 (50 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: YFiSelect 5.0+
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: $
Tags: cydia::commercial, purpose::extension
Description: Quickly change WiFi networks from anywhere.
Dependence: mobilesubstrate libactivator preferenceloader firmware (>= 5.0)
Size: 34564
View in: Cydia
Download: Buy app

Rating: 2.1/5 (47 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Syslog Remover
Version: 1.4
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Tags: role::hacker
Description: removes the syslog and gives you the size of the log in bytes before it deletes it. just run syslrem and voila!
Size: 990
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.2/5 (47 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: SBOrganizer
Version: 1.2.5
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: $
Tags: purpose::uikit, cydia::commercial
Description: Reorder app icons without iTunes. Portable icon arrangement.
Dependence: com.ericasadun.utilities basic-cmds
Size: 1188878
View in: Cydia
Download: Buy app

Rating: 2.6/5 (43 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: iPhoneus
Version: 2.1.5
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: New streaming site for iPhone and iPod Touch users. You can stream Movies & TV Shows. Also you must have iMobileCinema installed to watch.
Size: 192686
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.1/5 (47 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Belfry
Version: 1.1.1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Tags: purpose::uikit, role::enduser
Description: Install Clock, Calculator, Compass, Voice Memos, Stocks and Weather apps on iPad
Dependence: curl
Size: 587906
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.5/5 (52 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: BrowserChooser
Version: 1.0.6
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Switch default browsers between Google Chrome, Opera Mini, iCab Mobile, Dolphing Browser, Atomic Browser, Diigo, iLunascape, MammothIV, Puffin, Mercury, Crux and Safari
Dependence: firmware (>= 5) mobilesubstrate (>= 0.9.5001) applist (>= 1.5.7) preferenceloader (>= 2.2.2)
Size: 28312
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.5/5 (51 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: ChromeCustomization
Version: 1.0.1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Customize the Chrome browser
Dependence: firmware (>= 5) mobilesubstrate preferenceloader (>= 2)
Size: 57528
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.7/5 (48 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Color Profiles
Version: 1.1.3
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: $
Tags: cydia::commercial
Description: Customizable screen colour adjustment including color temperature
Dependence: firmware (>= 3.2) mobilesubstrate preferenceloader
Conflicts: com.phoenix.dimmer (<= 1.3.1)
Size: 50964
View in: Cydia
Download: Buy app

Rating: 2.5/5 (55 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Do Not Disturb Toggle
Version: 1.0.1~beta1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Tags: purpose::extension
Description: Toggle Do Not Disturb for Activator and SBSettings
Dependence: mobilesubstrate (>= 0.9.3367+6) libactivator (>= 1.7.3) firmware (>= 6) com.a3tweaks.flipswitch (>= 1.0.1~beta1)
Size: 57172
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.6/5 (42 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Pull To Dismiss
Version: 1.0.1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Dismiss keyboard by scrolling
Dependence: firmware (>= 3.2) mobilesubstrate (>= 0.9.5001)
Size: 5818
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.5/5 (48 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Rich Text For Mail
Version: 1.2.7
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: $
Tags: cydia::commercial, purpose::extension
Description: Format emails and notes with bold, italic, underline, fonts, colors, images and more
Dependence: actionmenu (>= 1.2.14) firmware (>= 4) mobilesubstrate (>= 0.9.5001) libactivator (>= 1.8.3) | firmware (<< 7.0)
Size: 181634
View in: Cydia
Download: Buy app

Rating: 2.6/5 (49 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: untrackerd
Version: 0.4
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Continuously clean up locationd's history data
Dependence: firmware (>= 4.0) shell-cmds
Size: 4852
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.6/5 (50 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: iLock
Version: 1.3
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: $
Tags: cydia::commercial, purpose::extension
Description: Unlock your device how YOU want
Dependence: firmware(>= 3.0) mobilesubstrate
Size: 1467840
View in: Cydia
Download: Buy app

Rating: 2.5/5 (46 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Orbit for iOS 3.x
Version: 1.1.4-1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: $
Tags: cydia::commercial
Description: Instantly switch between pages on your home screen. Based on the 'iPhone Expose' concept.
Dependence: mobilesubstrate preferenceloader
Size: 379444
View in: Cydia
Download: Buy app

Rating: 2.3/5 (40 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Orbit for iOS 4, 5, 6+
Version: 2.1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: $
Tags: cydia::commercial, purpose::extension
Description: instantly switch between pages on homescreen
Dependence: mobilesubstrate preferenceloader libactivator firmware (>= 4.2)
Size: 3235860
View in: Cydia
Download: Buy app

Rating: 2.5/5 (42 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: TVOut2 Mirror TVOut
Version: 1.4.3
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Shows your iPhone/iPad screens on TV
Dependence: mobilesubstrate (>= 0.9.3367-1) shell-cmds
Size: 83390
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.0/5 (45 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: xdaemon
Version: 0.6.0
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: xDaemon for iPhone (needed by xDrive)
Size: 52698
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.3/5 (44 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: xDrive
Version: 1.4.3
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: External harddisk over WiFi (based on samba)
Dependence: com.xcubes.xdaemon
Size: 433638
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.2/5 (42 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: LogMailer
Version: 1.1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Send syslog reports to developers quickly
Dependence: syslogd
Size: 18632
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.4/5 (44 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: QuickGold
Version: 1.3.4
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: The best app launcher! Quickly launch any app with a couple keystrokes, search contacts, sms, webclips, safari history.
Dependence: mobilesubstrate firmware (<< 3.0)
Size: 131164
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.1/5 (44 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: SpotBright
Version: 0.3
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: 3.0+ only. Enhance spotlight adding hidden app and other features. Quickgold for 3.0
Dependence: mobilesubstrate firmware (>= 3.0)
Size: 13982
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.5/5 (44 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Vibrus
Version: 1.1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Vibrate keyboard when keys are pressed.
Size: 99612
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.2/5 (45 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: AndroidLock
Version: 1.2-2
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: An Android-like lockscreen where you have to draw the correct pattern to unlock.
Dependence: mobilesubstrate preferenceloader (>= 1.2.1) firmware (<< 3.2)
Size: 17004
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.0/5 (47 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: CrashReporter
Version: 1.16.0-1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Tags: purpose::uikit, role::enduser
Description: Send useful crash info to developers.
Dependence: coreutils dpkg grep jp.ashikase.libcrashreport (>= 1.1.0) jp.ashikase.libpackageinfo (>= 1.1.0) jp.ashikase.techsupport (>= 1.5.0) mobilesubstrate preferenceloader
Size: 341198
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.4/5 (61 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: iFile
Version: 2.2.0-1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: $
Tags: purpose::uikit, cydia::commercial
Description: A File Manager and Viewer. iFile is a file manager runnning under user root. It allows fast navigation through the iPhone file system. It allows direct viewing of files of various types, e.g. movies, sound, text, HTML, Microsoft types, PDF, ZIP. For PDF files direct jumping to pages is possible. ZIP packing and unpacking is also supported. Files can be sent as email attachments. Text files and property lists can be edited. Folders and files can be bookmarked. In addition, files can be uploaded and downloaded from iFile's built-in web server.
Dependence: file-cmds zip unzip p7zip gzip bzip2 unrar diskdev-cmds
Size: 9751882
View in: Cydia
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Rating: 2.6/5 (60 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: HapticPro
Version: 1.4.3
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: $
Tags: cydia::commercial
Description: Customizable haptic feedback for the keyboard, buttons and more!
Dependence: mobilesubstrate (>= 0.9.5000) preferenceloader (>= 2.2.2) com.rpetrich.rocketbootstrap (>= 1.0.5) | firmware (<< 7.0) shell-cmds
Conflicts: gsc.wildcat gsc.ipad
Size: 224530
View in: Cydia
Download: Buy app

Rating: 2.2/5 (47 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Colemak Keyboard
Version: 0.0-1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Colemak keyboard layout.
Dependence: hk.kennytm.ikeyex (>=0.0-1)
Size: 1542
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.3/5 (42 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: hClipboard
Version: 0.1-5
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Global Copy & Paste for iPhone
Dependence: hk.kennytm.iKeyEx (>=0.1-5)
Size: 55562
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.1/5 (47 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: QuickScroll 2
Version: 0.2-2a
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Quickly scroll through anything. PDF paging. Initiate with two-finger or triple tap.
Dependence: mobilesubstrate (>=0.9-0) preferenceloader (>=1.1)
Size: 43186
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 1.8/5 (44 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Hunspell
Version: 1.2.8-1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Hunspell is a spell checker and morphological analyzer library and program designed for languages with rich morphology and complex word compounding or character encoding. Hunspell interfaces
Size: 857488
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.4/5 (45 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Inspell
Version: 1.3.2-1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: $
Tags: cydia::commercial
Description: Customize spell checker and autocorrect
Dependence: mobilesubstrate hunspell hunspell-dict-en-US firmware (>= 3.0) preferenceloader (>= 2.0) openssl
Size: 58400
View in: Cydia
Download: Buy app

Rating: 2.3/5 (47 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: isslfix
Version: 1.2
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Tags: purpose::extension
Description: fixes iOS SSL vulnerability CVE-2011-0228 + cert blacklist
Size: 7750
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.3/5 (53 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: CategoriesSB
Version: 1.7.7-1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: $
Tags: cydia::commercial
Description: Integrate Categories into SpringBoard.
Dependence: com.bigboss.categories (>= 2.29) firmware (>= 3.0) firmware (< 4.4) mobilesubstrate
Size: 44326
View in: Cydia
Download: Buy app

Rating: 2.6/5 (59 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Kirikae
Version: svn.r216-2
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Backgrounder-compatible task switcher/launcher.
Dependence: firmware (>=3.0) mobilesubstrate libactivator (>=1.1.0) firmware (<< 4.0)
Size: 104586
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.5/5 (50 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: LastApp
Version: 1:1.4.0-1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Tags: purpose::extension
Description: Quickly switch to previous application.
Dependence: firmware (>=3.0) mobilesubstrate libactivator (>=1.1.0) preferenceloader
Size: 16952
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.4/5 (53 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: MultiIconMover
Version: 1:1.2.0-1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Move multiple SpringBoard icons at a time.
Dependence: mobilesubstrate firmware (>= 3.0) firmware (<< 10.0)
Conflicts: jp.ashikase.folderenhancer (<< 1.5.0)
Size: 28316
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.5/5 (41 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Tapp
Version: 1.1-18
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: $
Tags: cydia::commercial
Description: launch multiple applications using a single icon
Dependence: firmware (>= 3.0) mobilesubstrate
Size: 82258
View in: Cydia
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Rating: 2.2/5 (48 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: AirPlayServer
Version: 0.1-8
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Tags: purpose::extension
Description: Turn your device to AirPlay Speaker!
Dependence: mobilesubstrate preferenceloader
Size: 352518
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.5/5 (103 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Activator
Version: 1.9.13~rc6
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Centralized gestures, button and shortcut management for iOS
Dependence: mobilesubstrate (>= 0.9.5101) preferenceloader (>= 2.2.2) com.a3tweaks.flipswitch (>= 1.0.16~rc3) com.rpetrich.rocketbootstrap (>= 1.0.9)
Conflicts: com.booleanmagic.overboard (<= 1.1) com.ashman.lockinfo (<= 2.0.0-6) sbsettings (<= 3.0.6) com.fuyuchi.missionboardpro (<= 1.3) com.kindadev.nobetaalert libhide (<< 2.4.1) com.fortysixandtwo.activ8rfix net.tateu.actisearch com.jakeashacks.activator com.udevs.activatorhomebuttoncrashfix
Size: 929288
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.4/5 (46 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: LiveClock
Version: 0.7
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Animated Clock icon on the SpringBoard
Dependence: mobilesubstrate (>= 0.9.2660-1) firmware (>= 3.0)
Size: 47346
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.3/5 (46 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: AutoBrightness
Version: 1.3.0-2
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Tags: purpose::extension, compatible::ios7, compatible::ios8, compatible::ios9
Description: Automatic brightness according to ambient light conditions.
Dependence: firmware (>= 5.0) preferenceloader
Conflicts: org.thebigboss.swipebright
Size: 155124
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.0/5 (43 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: myTunes
Version: 0.3-1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Access iTunes media files stored on your device
Size: 3752
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.7/5 (56 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: Homescreen Settings
Version: 0.96-83
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: $
Tags: cydia::commercial, purpose::extension
Description: Add Settings Icons to HomeScreen
Dependence: mobilesubstrate preferenceloader firmware (>= 4.0)
Size: 177554
View in: Cydia
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Rating: 2.4/5 (55 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: SBRotator for 3.x
Version: 2.1.5-1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: $
Tags: cydia::commercial, purpose::extension
Description: Rotates SpringBoard in all 4 orientations.
Dependence: mobilesubstrate preferenceloader com.chpwn.iconsupport firmware (<< 4.0)
Size: 398056
View in: Cydia
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