Cydia™ is Debian APT on the iPhone. Think AppStore, but with packages you could never get direct through Apple. Created by Jay Freeman (saurik), Cydia™ is a feature-rich AppStore competitor. Full themes to completely make over your iPhone's & iPod Touch look are available through WinterBoard. Video recording is possible using Cycorder or Video Recorder for 3G. You can share your iPhone's 3G connection with your laptop using PdaNet, or get free music, videos, and torrents using dTunes. Take complete control of your iPhone with SBSettings.

cydiaYou'll find Cydia™ right there on your iPhone after you jailbreak your iPhone. Using it is easy - browse the categories, check what's new, or peruse the featured section to see the current popular apps. There's hundreds (getting into the thousands) of themes to choose from. Cydia™ is easily searchable via the iPhone - but if you're wanting to browse what's available from your browser.

OR copy deb file into DIR var\root\mobile\media\Cydia\AutoInstall, and reboot iPhone/iPod Touch

You can download Cydia (deb, v1.1.23) here

Result for com ipr bytafont

Rating: 1.8/5 (37 votes cast)

Section: Fonts
Name: Amharic Serif BytaFont
Version: 1.2-3
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Amharic serif ios4 font BytaFont
Dependence: com.ipr.bytafont
Size: 6863150
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.0/5 (31 votes cast)

Section: Fonts
Name: Ethiopia Jiret Slant BytaFont
Version: 1.1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: iOS4/5-compatible font for BytaFont
Dependence: com.ipr.bytafont
Size: 4216038
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 1.4/5 (15 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: BytaFont
Version: 1.8
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: BytaFont lets you apply fonts to your iDevice in few taps.
Dependence: firmware (>> 4.2.1) firmware (<< 7)
Size: 277888
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 1.2/5 (9 votes cast)

Section: Fonts
Name: MarioBrOS - BytaFont
Version: 5.0.1
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Mario Bros BytaFont
Dependence: com.ipr.bytafont
Size: 4406656
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.6/5 (27 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: BytaFont 2
Version: 2.6.4
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: BytaFont 2 lets you apply fonts to your iDevice in few taps.
Dependence: firmware (>= 7),applist,unzip
Size: 1694528
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 1.4/5 (29 votes cast)

Section: Addons (Cydget)
Name: BytaFont Cydget
Version: 1.2
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Cydget to use with BytaFont 2 by
Dependence: cydget
Size: 70278
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 1.6/5 (12 votes cast)

Section: Tweaks
Name: BytaFont Tweak Mode
Version: 1.1.4
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: BytaFont Tweak Mode
Dependence: mobilesubstrate
Size: 26422
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.5/5 (15 votes cast)

Section: 小白源 - 主题美化
Name: BytaFont 2
Version: 2.0.5
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Bytafont 2 for iOS7版本。
Dependence: firmware (>= 7)
Conflicts: com.bytafont.bytafont2
Size: 202424
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.1/5 (16 votes cast)

Section: System
Name: BytaFont 3
Version: 3.1.5
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: BytaFont 3 lets you apply fonts to your iDevice in few taps.
Dependence: firmware (>= 9),unzip,mobilesubstrate
Size: 2029590
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 1.4/5 (7 votes cast)

Section: Fonts
Name: 1337 Leet Seak font for Bytafont
Version: 1.0
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: To all nerds, have fun with this font. :)
Dependence: winterboard
Size: 2020294
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 1.8/5 (9 votes cast)

Section: Fonts (BytaFont 2)
Name: Antifont Font
Version: 1.0
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Font for BytaFont 2 by
Dependence: com.bytafont.bytafont2
Size: 9307708
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 1.0/5 (8 votes cast)

Section: Fonts
Name: Miss Smarty Pants Font
Version: 1.0
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: BytaFont font by
Dependence: com.ipr.bytafont
Size: 5137718
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.1/5 (20 votes cast)

Section: Fonts (BytaFont 3)
Name: Arabella Font
Version: 3.0
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Font for BytaFont 3 by
Dependence: com.bytafont.bytafont3
Size: 9875626
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 2.0/5 (22 votes cast)

Section: Fonts (BytaFont 3)
Name: Cartogothic Std Font
Version: 3.0
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Font for BytaFont 3 by
Dependence: com.bytafont.bytafont3
Size: 9510078
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 1.5/5 (25 votes cast)

Section: Fonts
Name: Amargna Ermiyas Font
Version: 4.0
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: for Amarhic characters. Uses Bytafont
Dependence: com.ipr.bytafont
Size: 1959334
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 1.5/5 (25 votes cast)

Section: Fonts
Name: Al Hor Font
Version: 1.0
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Arabic BytaFont font
Dependence: com.ipr.bytafont
Size: 164152
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 1.4/5 (23 votes cast)

Section: Fonts
Name: Aljazeera Font
Version: 1.0
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Arabic BytaFont font
Dependence: com.ipr.bytafont
Size: 102922
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 1.5/5 (23 votes cast)

Section: Fonts
Name: Alladden Font
Version: 1.0
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Arabic BytaFont font
Dependence: com.ipr.bytafont
Size: 134554
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 1.7/5 (22 votes cast)

Section: Fonts
Name: Bkoodak Font
Version: 1.0
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Arabic BytaFont font
Dependence: com.ipr.bytafont
Size: 110920
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb

Rating: 1.9/5 (27 votes cast)

Section: Fonts
Name: Cocon Next Arabic Font
Version: 1.0
Updated: 2024-06-04
Price: free
Description: Arabic BytaFont font
Dependence: com.ipr.bytafont
Size: 92264
View in: Cydia
Download: .deb